Ruthsdolls Sasha Doll Socks


Sasha Doll Variegated cotton ankle socks

16" Sasha Doll - Variegated cotton ankle socks in a choice of two colourways: rusty autumn shades, or brown and beige shades.

£6.00 per pair

Available in plain colours only. *choice of colours [*Ask Ruth]



Sasha Doll Picot Ankle Socks


16" Sasha Doll - Ankle Socks with Picot Tops

Available in plain colours only. *choice of colours [*Ask Ruth]



Sasha Doll Ankle Socks

Sasha Doll Ankle Socks

Sasha Doll Ankle Socks

16" Sasha Doll - Ankle Socks
£6.00 [plain] or £7.00 [banded]

"Ankle Socks" available in plain colours £6.00 or with two narrow coloured bands around top £7.00 - *choice of colours [*Ask Ruth]






Sasha Doll Knee Socks


16" Sasha Doll - Knee Socks
£7.00 [plain] or £8.00 [banded]

Available in plain colours £7.00 or with two narrow coloured bands around top £8.00 - *choice of colours [*Ask Ruth]



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